There's many ways to help

The most popular types are:
– An adoption 😊
– Becoming a foster carer
– Taking on a sponsorship
– Taking a dog with you as a flight sponsor
– Helping with the preliminary checks
– Donations
– Donations of material goods
– Volunteering in your own country or in Spain
– Show solidarity by participating in the annual Galgo March in a town near you
You can either contribute directly to a Spanish sanctuary or to an animal welfare organisation / association of your choice.
Follow the organisations/associations you like on Instagram or Facebook and stay up to date.
Further down, we will provide you with a list of well-known organisations in Europe.
If you know of others, please get in touch.

The requirements for adopting or fostering a Galgo vary depending on the association. Many of them place Galgos across borders.
In any case, a questionnaire is required in which various questions about your family, your everyday life and your knowledge about the Galgo are clarified. Afterwards, a preliminary check will take place to clarify any final questions. Adoptions of dogs that are still in Spain are possible through the various associations.
Be mentally prepared for the fact that each association has its own views. Exclusion criteria are often a lack of a garden and also the question of the extent of your professional activity will certainly come up.
Also be aware that the dog you fell in love with online may not be a good fit for you due to its history or temperament.
There are hundreds of thousands of Galgos in placement and a variety of routes to adoption.
If you are convinced that you can do justice to a Galgo, your dog is out there waiting for you!

Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Watch, read & share

The amazing documentary Yo Galgo of spanish filmmaker Yeray López Portillo is available to the public without pay until the Spanish Government presents to vote for the amendment to their animal welfare law to remove the protection that hunting dogs deserve.
The filmmaker wants to inform you about how much these dogs suffer and how to do our bit to prevent that. The documentary is not one to build on shocker images but is visually beautiful.
Share Yo Galgo to help people understand the cruelty and constant abuse galgos suffer in Spain. Join the campaign #MismosPerrosMismaLey on Instagram
Die mehrteilige Doku mit Hundetrainer Martin Rütter nimmt dich mit auf eine Reise zur Perrera San Anton in Spanien. Die Perrera ist von der Galgo Hilfe e.V. getragen.
Die Leidensgeschichte der Galgos hier auf Vox ansehen.
Hier siehst du eine ausführliche Dokumentation der Arte über Spaniens Tierschutz Dilemma. Besucht wird auch die Perrera San Anton, die eng mit der Galgohilfe e. V. zusammenarbeitet.
Hier in dieser aktuellen Doku bekommst du einen Einblick in die Problematik des Galgos in Spanien. Die Doku wurde von der TV Sendung Tiere suchen ein Zuhause umgesetzt. Die wöchentliche Sendung stellt regelmässig Windhunde vor, die ein Zuhause suchen.
Lies hier einen ausführlichen, hochwertigen Bericht zur Situation der Galgos in Spanien.
Deutschsprachige Bücher zum Hintergrund des Galgos sowie Tipps zum Zusammenleben und Training.
Galgos bellen nicht – Gudrun Sauter
Windhunde aus Spanien – vom Jäger zum Familienhund – Karin Dohrmann